Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Adeline puts herself to bed...

It's true. Kids never cease to amaze.
Look at where we found our sweet Adeline the other night: alseep on her bedroom floor.
We'd done our bedtime routine, but I needed something from downstairs, then McKinley needed to come along, so Adeline was looking at books in her room and the rest of us headed downstairs.
A mere 8-10 minutes later, we came back up to find her crashed out on her floor with her blanket.
could. not. believe. it.
so, of course, I ran for the camera. now, most of you know our multi-layered sleep story with high-needs child #1,
so this from #2 is completely mind-blowing!
Granted, Adeline has had "practice" sleeping in other places (daycare) from a much earlier age, and she was "born a sleeper" as I like to say, but still. Wowo!
And this was a normal day, normal bedtime, healthy (finally!).
And I was able to pick her up and put her in her bed with no problem.

And her sweet, relaxed hands.
I need to remember nights like these when the night doesn't go as smoothly as this.
Fingers crossed for "easy" sleep when we travel to Wisconsin, because here's the real killer:
Adeline doesn't like to sleep on vacation and McKinley sleeps all night long.
Go figure.
I'm excited to be heading to Wisconsin because we haven't been there in a long time and I'm anxious to see my Grandpa! He's gonna be so delighted by the kids!