Friday, February 5, 2010

Adeline has the stomach flu

The stomach flu has hit our house this week.
Adeline has been sick since Tuesday.
We think it's just a virus at this point. Little sweetie.
She and I had Tuesday and Wednesday together to just lay around (McKinley was in school as thankfully, he's not sick). It was so wonderful to be able to give her whatever she needed exactly when she needed it.
Mostly she just wanted to sleep on me, then occasionally I could lay her down for a bit.

She couldn't resist a cookie from Grandma Vickie's cookie jar when we stopped by there after school on Tuesday, but she wouldn't eat it, and when we got home, she fell asleep on the futon, still clutching the cookie.
The advice nurse at our pediatrician's office told me to give her 1 tsp. of peach juice (from a can on peaches) every 10-15 minutes for an hour then to switch to Pedialyte. That perked her up, but a few hours later she threw up again.

McKinley desperately wanted to be close to Adeline and comfort her, and I even more desperately wanted to keep him away. In the end, I let him sit next to her and sing to her. She calmed down and he felt helpful.
Now that it's Friday, and Adeline is still sick, and I haven't gotten a good night's sleep all week and Mac is full of energy, he is trying to "help", but we're all just a bit stir crazy and needing everyone to be healthy again. Thankfully, tomorrow is Saturday and I have lunch and a pedicure scheduled with some work friends. Nothing is keeping me from going!

Sweet picture of Addie at the easel in one of her few upright moments this week.

More coloring. Thankfully, he can entertain himself for a while doing this.
Need to get some more coloring books as we've about exhausted our supply!
That will be a good outing for McKinley and I this weekend.

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