Friday, April 24, 2009

McKinley's surgery to have his tonsils and adenoid removed and to get ear tubes placed in both ears went well. I can't remember to upload the pics in reverse to how I want them to appear and it takes too long to rearrange them, so here are yesterday's events, in reverse order: Making vanila smoothies with Curt (Mac wouldn't drink them, but making them was fun).
Where he spent all afternoon. Thank you, Morphine!

Getting ready to go home. He's too heavy to carry, and I forgot to take the smaller stroller, so he got a ride in a wheelchair.

Dressed and ready to go home. Watching his all-time favorite "digger video" on the Zune (without sound because he couldn't wear the headphones after surgery).

Waking up after surgery.

Loopy after getting the pre-op meds. He told the anesthesiologist that he wanted "a hair net". Where he got that word, we'll never know!

Loopy, waiting with me. He couldn't sit up or talk well.

Watching TV with Creature. Mac and I made Creature on Wednesday.
Creature got a hair net too and got to go to surgery with him.

Today was harder than yesterday because McKinley was hungry, cranky and sore. We are trying to keep him well medicated, but it seems to be wearing off sooner than we can give him more. It's been better since I stopped giving him the Tylenol with Codeine and switched to ibuprofen alternating with regular Tylenol. He was really out of it for a few hours this afternoon, then perked up after we gave him Tylenol and we were able to take the kids for a walk. It was beautiful here! We expect that each day will be easier and less painful for him. It's going to be hard keeping him on a "soft" diet for a week because he really wants toast, chicken nuggets, and chewy fruits.

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