Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy Six Month Birthday, sweet girl! Adeline is so cute! She can push herself way up on extended arms, then tucks her toes and lifts her belly off the floor. I haven't gotten a picture of it yet, but I'm trying.

Sweet thing...

First rice cereal - she loved it!

I've been wanting to do this for a while. Here's Mac's first bite of rice cereal. Look how much shorter he is than Addie! Sometimes, I think they look alike, others, I don't. Addie is much more smiley than Mac ever was, and talks a ton more. Their heads are shaped the same, and their eyes are the same color... what do you guys think? Do they look alike or not? The below two pics are Mac at six months.

1 comment:

rivermama said...

How the heck did Addie get to be 6 mos. old? Have I been hibernating????

I think that Mac and Addie have the same overall head and face shape but the features are distinctly different. No doubt they are sibs though.

You must be having a ball! Can hardly wait to play! Indigo is going to be thrilled to see all of you.