Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mac's in underwear!

No pics necessary for this post, but we believe Mac is "potty trained".
It happened yesterday. We've been taking his diaper off in the morning and letting him just have his jammy bottoms on. Yesterday, he ran into the bathroom and had already peed on the toilet by the time I got there.
Today he asked for just his jammy bottoms, and again did it all by himself. He had a couple of accidents today, but they both were when he was in the bathroom, trying to get on the toilet. Then I made the mistake of putting a pair of underwear on him that actually sort of hold the pee in because they have an outer layer made of the same material as the diaper wraps. I didn't tell him this, but he later informed me that "it's alright to pee a little in these underwear because they hold the pee in". What? I about peed my pants myself I was laughing so hard.
Later, he told Curt he wanted to wear his pants (no diaper or underwear) for his nap. OK. And he did it - dry as could be and then later went and peed on the toilet. Curt tried to help him that time, and Mac told him "No, Dad, I want to do it all by myself!" And he did, handwashing and all.
I was beginning to think the day would be a long time in coming as so many of his friends have been using the toilet for months. He's been asking me which friends pee in diapers and which use the toilet. He's also really motivated to use the little potties at school (which means he then can wash his hands at the very cool little sink), and last week told his teacher he needed to go on the toilet, but since she was the only adult in the room with 8 kids, she was unable to help him. That made a big impression.
We'll keep you posted!

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