Sunday, December 21, 2008

McKinley Thomas Sander turned THREE!!He's been working on holding up three fingers, rather than two.
We worked together yesterday to bake his "mountain" cake,
then worked together again today to frost it.

Wait until you see how we ate it!A very cool talking globe from Papa and Nana.

A big digger from Addie.

Diggty Dog game from Grandma Mary. We've been playing this one at Mudpuddles, and he loves it. He said "Yeah! Diggety Dog! Same like at Mudpuddles!" when he opened it.

birthday morning blueberry pancakes. He is wearing his (soon-to-be) felted crown on his head. I got it almost finished. It will actually fit his head once it's felted. May take all week to dry given the wet weather we are having (more on that later!)

oh, our sweet little boy!
building gingerbread houses, compliments of the Stevenson family, who braved the elements to come celebrate Mac's birthday!

Adeline, taking in the sights (she's working on those two front teeth!)

Windy, Matt and Kolby with their gingerbread house!

(I'm allowed now to let you all in on the secret that Kolby will be a big brother in June! yippee!)

1 comment:

mary said...

It looks like Mac had fun on his bithday even if the party had to be canceled due to weather. I can not wait to come and see him!