Life is always busy around here! Here's a few pictures from the last couple of weeks.
Mac is looking so "old" at times! Then he begins screaming because of something or other and we are reminded that he really just turned three.
Addie's eating food and loving it! She's so dang cute.
Don't you dare take that spoon away from her or she'll give you an earful!
I don't know why this one uploaded sideways, but it's another example of our happy girl.
Please -- someone come take this kid skiing! He's been using these two yard sticks to "ski"! I can't believe Curt hasn't taken him to the mountain yet. Maybe after Mexico.
Don't you dare take that spoon away from her or she'll give you an earful!
First tooth! She's had it a while now, but I finally got a picture.
See it? Way down on the bottom.
It's a tooth!
I'll try to post some swimming pictures soon. Hilarious. That's all I have to say!